>..< I want!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010


So it was my birthday yesterday and I got no less than eighty posts on my facebook wall from well-wishers, most of whom I don't talk to at all. In addition to making me incredibly happy, it was kind of a demonstration of how birthdays, and all holidays for that matter, are so powerful. All these random people suddenly have this thing in common and it's like a uniting force.

Like on the Fourth of July when you find yourself on the ridge of the Rose Bowl, essentially prostrating yourself in front of the mosquitos for slaughter and feast, to watch a fireworks show that you've probably already seen five times. Or when you haul a 7-10 foot tree into your living room and proceed to wrap electrical wire around it and whenever you look at it, you feel happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is that holidays and birthdays make people doing crazy things and that makes them happy.

Anyways, other than that whole... realization. I do feel older. It's kind of weird cuz on most other birthdays, I'm just like, "I feel the same as I did yesterday." But I legitly feel older. It's kind of cool.

I'm also much happier this year than I think I've been since I hit puberty and even though I'm stressed and kind of irritable, I know that this past year has brought me so much satisfaction and happiness and like... self-discovery. (lame right?)


  1. Really lame, actually.

    I made a blog, you inspired me!

  2. reply to your comments woman. I mentioned you in today's post but I didn't link it back here since you said this is sort of a private blog. anywho, I didn't post on your fb wall but I did say happy bday in person which is equal! ya it is. nah it's not lame. all my self-discovery happens over the summer though. it's weird. ok I see vanessa commenting above me so I'm going to click on it and read her blog. tata!

  3. I completely agree. I'm sorry I did not say happy birthday in person, it slipped my mind, although I did remember (May-gan 2nd ..heh dats how I remember)! I have an idea for a nice card as well! This post reminds me of a talk we received from Valiulu once or twice. About how holidays keep us in a circle of tradition and that one day is generally forever young. I feel exactly the same way as you about this year. It's been tough, but I feel like I live passionately now. The ups and the downs. :)
