>..< I want!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I always hate learning about the circulatory system and the respiratory system because it always stresses me out. It's like when you think about your breathing suddenly you can't breath correctly anymore until you forget about thinking about your breathing! See!

Yeah, so anyways. It's like there are all of these things that can go wrong and on top of that your heart is working super hard and all the blood is going into whatever vein and then from that into the little branch-y off things until the oxygen gets close enough to the tissues to absorb the oxygen and then it has to come back again to get pumped by the heart and then go to the lungs to get re-oxygenated. And this is all happening in the bu DUM of your pulse. Right now. And now. IT'S SO STRESSFUL. It feels like thinking about it is going to somehow inhibit your heart's ability to function properly...

Blogger Existentialism...?

So the whole notion of creating a blog has kind of been rattling around my brain ever since my English teacher said that our generation would never be forgotten because of the internet and our role on the internet and I thought back to exactly what my role on the internet has been and I was kind of terrified at what future generations would see. Various supremely embarrassing fanfiction and fictionpress accounts and a smattering of facebook activity that doesn't really count as anything really and a hell of a lot of embarrassing AIM conversations...

And then, that whole notion stopped being a just a rattle and turned into this fireball of an urge when my English teacher again told us that our generation was kind of a failed teenager generation because we haven't ignited any sort of social revolution or anything like jazz or rock or hip hop (which was really the 90s and not our generation) and because I don't think I'm nearly tortured or clear-thinking enough to produce some sort of revolutionary novella, I decided that my contribution to society would be whatever amusement, procrastination, or any sort of response that I can produce.

In short, I've joined the ranks of millions of bloggers before me and millions of bloggers after me in a march to achieve the same kind of recognition and immortality that Hitler and Napoleon and Caesar attempted to achieve.

So it's approaching 1 am and that fiber one bar I ate after dinner is tired of waiting so I'll... vamoose and be sure to write sometime in the near future.